I, like most of the of the other reviewers, have read all of Greg Isles books. I was looking forward to it as well. I was born and raised in a liberal state and now I reside in Biloxi, Mississippi. I thought there was way too much time wasted on Trump bashing and making conservatives look bad and just like with races, there are good conservatives and bad conservatives just like good democrats and bad democrats.( For the record, IMO both candidates are awful) But what I really wanted to point out was my husband was In Vietnam at that point when MLK was shot. There wasn’t any of that going on in his squadron. They all supported each other. The other thing is if you actually came to Biloxi, you would know that the Black vote is tired of Biden and they are for the most part voting Trump because they really aren’t getting what Biden promised them. We all know, if we’ve read his books what his political standpoints are, but please don’t shove them down our throats. We all just wanted a Penn Cage novel.