Once again I had to turn off another of my favorite TV shows. I will never watch again. America has spent the last 4 years with nothing but politics and hate. All news shows, COVID reporting, 60 minutes, NFL,NBA and commercials keep telling us that we are bad people. I watch shows like Blue Bloods for entertainment not politics. I know how screwed up our world is. I Don’t need to be reminded every second of every day! Some of you will say he is a racist ! Far from it. Grew up in the inner city and I treat all people the same as God tells us to. I also have 3 children. 2 are adopted. A son from Gabon, Africa and a Native American Son..They needed help. I helped! Good by CBS and all your shows. Good by NFL, NBA, NBC,ABC ETC..Pulled the cable cord today. Will read good books!