I watched first hand all of the Star Trek franchises except "Discovery". I have never understood why some folks didn't like STE. They griped about the intro music- I happened to like it! They griped about "plot holes"- IMO they filled in a lot of the holes that were left from the other series! FI: the changes in the appearances of the Klingons. I also think folks that start a review with " it was a flawed series, but..." and then never tell you what they think the "flaws" were, are copping out! There was only one episode that burnt my butt- the last one! The "Enterprise" stars got a royal screw from TNG's stars! THEY WUZ ROBBED- as my forefathers would have said, with a few expletives thrown in for good measure! I don't blame Conner Trinneer for having Tripp killed off! Secretly, I always dreamed that somehow, somewhere, in another dimension the Enterprise series would have continued, and Archer would have retrieved clone Tripp's casket from space and the Doc would have revived and restored him! My conclusion: it was a damn good series and well worth my time to watch!