Some guns are just wayyyy too powerful and require no skill to use because they are put in the game for Timmy's 44 year old dad that wants to hop on on a weekend and drink with his boys. The sweaty no lifes and complete scum of the Earth abuse these handicaps and simply make the game unenjoyable. The spawn switches make absolutely no sense at all. I am convinced that there isn't even an algorithm to why they switch, I think they are on a timer for 2 seconds. Skill based matchmaking absolutely ruins the game and how is it fun if you are winning and going like 24 and 3 then they have to nerf YOU, THE PLAYER, because you're playing better than everyone else. Also the aim assist is so strong it is basically cheating. snapping onto teammates heads through walls should not be a thing with aim assist. If it weren't for zombies, I would say this is the worst call of duty to ever exist. Stop catering to the snowflakes and bring back old cod.