Omg sh**t me in the head this movie is terrible. People giving this move 5 stars and blaming racism probably live with their heads stuck up some greasy slimy darkhole. The movie is awful. It’s so boring. If it wasnt for the decent acting there would be no redeeming quality. I never never never never never ever rate or critique movies but this was so bad i had to vent. The first half of the movie is building up the storyline. You're waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happend and when it finally happens it’s so unbelievable you’re like- what? Hes literally right next to the shore. Spoiler alert- their son dies in the most non-convincing way. And all of the build up of a beautiful family home is so clumsily torn apart by the death. At one moment the story is so idyllic but then they more or less turn on each other. The love that they built up for the first half gets so dark it makes you question the validity and reality of the first part. If not for the acting- incredibly unnecessary. They didnt need to take literally the first half of the movie to do all of that. Then the lines between the fantasy and reality is frustrating, so frustrating. The children, sheltered somehow find themselves all the way, and back, from London without a scrape or injury. To tie in this so random and unnecesarry plot twist. The father has a brother who hates him. No real development. The development i guess is for the children, except whatever development happens is muddled with fantasy that… its like trying to plug a cord into the socket behind your bed and you keep feeling for the socket but never are really able to plug in the cord. What an absolute mess. What an awful gosh darn mess. Its like being manipulated into feeling something except the fantasy doesnt really take you there. The father loses his hand from this surprise brother so the kids runaway but one comes back and the fantasy is supposed to be real but its very much not real… what a mess. What a gosh darn mess of a movie.