Honestly seems like someone heard about Halo second-hand without experiencing any of the games or novels themselves and then decided to make a tv show about it. There was enough source material to have years worth of AMAZING episodes and for some reason they decided to change it all up. Got rid of pretty much all of hunanities futuristic tech, changed the covenant to the point where its only recognizable because of the races that make it up, and changed beloved characters like capt keyes to try to "show more diversity" even though we have AMAZING african american characters already ie Johnson, Solomon-069, Emile, and plenty more. Dont even get me started on chief, why does he take his helmet off? Stop trying to change the characters to make them more "human" funny how Ive never seen real Halo fans complain about not seeing chiefs face. He's supposed to be this faceless emotionless killer we need him to be. Not some character I need to fall in love with. If you like halo, dont watch this dumpster fire.