1. “They were afraid Pharaoh would bring Islam” WHAT??? This is an abomination. Why all of a sudden are they TWISTING THE TRUTH to put something like Islam in it? Islam never existed back then. It existed HUNDREDS OF YEAR AFTER the Bible was found. That is why you see many references of Biblical stores in the quran used a references from Muhammad, twisting the truth on his own.
Why are we trying to twist things and hint of abomination like Islam in Christian theology? Keep the TRUTH the TRUTH and twisters of things on their own category. Make a documentary on how Islam bombs churches in the East, killing people, killing priests, and making Orthodox (the church God made) and Christians pay higher taxes for “protection” from the Muslims instead. Spread truth not FALSITIES.
2. The theologians mentioned “gods” multiple times referring to the Bible. THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD to us. The God that the Jews and Muslims deny because they do not want to understand His great Divinity. There is not such things as gods ONLY 1 GOD in our Holy Bible. This show is blasphemous. It’s going to attract the religious people, of course, maybe even the witches and atheists, haha. But as an Orthodox, I find it humorous how everyone knows how truly powerful Jesus Christ is, but wants their own narrative.