No. How does the doll actual make them do evil stuff? Or wait. I know, just say it’s “evil” induced into a ball in its head? Or was the black stuff poison and then the mom/nurse tells the Dad to kill his wife and daughter cuz…wait, why if they are already gonna die?
I guess I’m dumb. Please tell me why. Seriously. Tell me why.
If they just let Nicholas Cage be a crazy psychotic killer it would maybe make some sense.
But this is just dumb and even attempts, lamely, to rip off Se7en.
And how did she even get in the FBI with about zero default interactive skills? And after her initial psychic/intuitive event, you never see that again (which actually might have been a good plot tool if used wisely).
Oh, spoiler as she happens to be the key to everything. Randomly.
Fun fact - Procedurally, she would have never been allowed to work the case in that regard once she was connected. Especially the solo interview part with the suspect.