As a long time book fan, I am really enjoying the show so far and can see the actors getting more and more into their roles as it progresses.
There are some little things that are different within the plot and a few characters that don't match my idea of them from the book (Percy's step-dad Gabe is one of the main ones), but all in all the show is clearly reflective of Rick's heart for this story. Ultimately that is why I will urge all book fans to at least watch this whole first season: Rick is clearly excited about this adaptation and highly involved in it and so, trusting him as the author, I think it is absolutely worth giving it a fair shot by watching it through and leaving room for little things to be different in this new medium.
And for you who haven't yet been introduced to Percy: let this fun and well-done show invite you into his world and convince you to try the books too 😊