Before I begin, just know that I love Force Awakens. I thought the introductory movie to the new franchise was perfect. My love for the movies, however, does not supersede my disdain for The Last Jedi. This movie almost ruined the new trilogy.
Star Wars has always been a series that worked well with fans, but TLJ spits on its fans and laughs. Why Rian Johnson thought that destroying the mystery of Rey's parents was a good idea I'll never know, but it's telling that J.J Abrams is going to ignore this with the newest movie. Luckily, we'll have a definite answer to who exactly Rey is with TROS, and Rian Johnson can't do anything about it.
Snoke is also completely disregard by this movie. A villain who has been wrapped in mystery since his reveal is killed in one fail swoop. Why Rian Johnson thought this was a perfect twist is beyond me, it just shows that he fails to understand how a good franchise works. It seems like the entire "end of the jedi order" thing is being undone by the new movie, which I cant be more happy about. To anyone who likes this movie, just know that Disney is basically retconning everything Rian Johnson did because of how insanely dumb it was.