Bad Movie
That's all you need to know but I do think that this whole equality thing is hilarious. Most wars start on misunderstandings, just like feminism built on misunderstandings. Wage Gap:Untrue Female Oppression:Untrue, I have to explain this female oppression one sadly. Female Oppression is a misunderstanding because it simply is not being treated the {SAME} as men. Yes, you aren't you're what is known by many, as a WOMAN! You aren't supposed to be treated the same because you are different. It's almost unbearable the amount of differences like impossible to deny (some try). The misunderstanding is the difference in {SAME} and EQUAL IN VALUE. Women are different and I actually believe feminism was created by a man due to the fact that it helps our economy. It's like the media wants women to not pursue having children, which inherently makes them sad and empty as they get older. That's is what God created them for which is not by any means worse than a man's job. The idea of how children are obstacles to keep you from your potential career is beyond me. That is NARCISSISM ! Full on blatantly NARCISSISTIC. LIKE ONCE WE CHANGE OUR DISGUSTING VIEWS ON CHILDREN AND LIFE AND PARENTING THEN [FEMINISM] WILL DIE. It's only because certain women now believe children are obstacles. Hell, you were a child if your parents believed you were an obstacle you would be ripped apart laying on a table dead, or never conceived in the first place. Cmon man that's too easy to debunk hit me with something that isn't.