I honestly had no intention of ever looking at the reviews for this game because I knew Dragons Dogma was gonna be a God game, which it is I have loved every second I have put in since I got the game, but after coming into work and hearing what "people" are doing I had to see for myself. I am truly appauled at all of you for review bombing this amazing game. The gaming community is so toxic and evil now. Everyone who is putting 1 star reviews over micro transactions are obviously sheep who haven't actually played this beautiful game. Sure there's a bit of bugs, that's to be expected with a game that's just been released and hasn't even had its first update yet. All the micro transactions are for convenience to help you people who are bad at gaming, but you guys wanna be bad and get things to make you good for free. If you don't want to buy micro transactions, don't buy them. But don't bash a game for giving bad players a cheap option to help them enjoy the game more. You all make me sick.