The movie was sensational. All these people calling this movie depressing can't face the reality. They haven't promoted cheating in any sense. Deepika's character was so beautifully built. She was determined to live a lavish life like her cousin . Money is what drove her and a healthy and rich life. And there are people like her in the real world.
Anyways I saw the reviews before watching the movie, and all this time i was waiting and waiting for something to go wrong. Well it didn't. The movie was a brilliant cinematic experience beutifully directed by shakun.
Anyone here saying ki bhai alisha let go of her berozgaar boyfriend, calm down. Alisha is supposed to be a negativish(my word😂) character and in the movie they show it. They have a poor with no she is working harder than him and is only expecting him to show his work to her . Plus she wanted instant success too.
Whatever man.. People will kill me here because I'm praising this film.. But it actually is sensational..
Ps- if anybody is seeing this review before watching the fil m just the way I do it... Don't go for the rating ls this time... It's a must watch