this game was my childhood and i still play this game till this day i recommend this game to other people who are looking for a new fps game to play in their spare time. even though there's a bot crisis in the game it is still fun but all you need to do is find community servers and play games on there with no bots but if you want to play casual be careful there will be a lot of bots on casual since that's where bots always go. Also since there has not been a major update for tf2 in such a long time i still find this game fun and enjoyable with seasonal crates and new cosmetics and unusuals.
p.s this game is better than fortnite and overwatch in my opinion. overwatch is just boring and i cant really enjoy the game where theres barely anything to do on the game and fortnite is just unbalanced and just really a POS game that i dislike because of really cringe emotes and kids stealing moms credit cards and kids being corrupted