This game is amazing! I don't know why it is recommended for ages 18+ unless the person playing has had a history of liking killing and violence. GTA V Online isn't very gory, there is little blood and little swearing. You can also turn off swearing. This game also had little nudity, and almost none on GTA V Online which, in my opinion is better than story mode. Another reason I think it could be played by people a little younger than 18 is because, let's face it, most kids today are dirty minded and know more than they should at a young age. This game could be played by maybe 13-14+, again, unless they have a bad history of killing and violence. READ THIS NOTICE: This last part depends on your family and parenting, but I think GTA V Online is okay to play by some 11-13 year olds depending on them, and their family. if they are playing with older siblings, or cousins, and simply want to join in on the fun- but as long as they have parental guidence and don't do or watch anything too bad.