Scandal started off good! Seasons 1-3 were captivating, intense, had a great storyline, great acting, and definitely had me hooked. Around season 4, the show took a turn. Although the show was about the White House, presidency, and justice, the show twisted it so much to where everyone involved were evil and destroyed the lives of innocent people just to gain more power.
It started off as a group of people working for the better of the nation but then around season 4, greed, envy, entitlement, lies, and corruption took over.
Oliva's character started off as a fixer who helped her clients no matter what. But eventually, she became a know-it-all, looked down on everyone around her, destroyed her relationships due to her greed, and got addicted to power. She controlled and destroyed everyone's life in order for her to gain more power. It was very hard watching her character develop.
Scandal seasons 1-3 were awesome, it got stale in seasons 4-5, but came back with a great season 6. Season 7 was definitely the worst and showed Olivia in a very bad light. It was very hard to watch and I only forced myself to finish the series because I had already wasted time watching the past 6 seasons.
I understand the show's purpose was to show a black woman in power but it failed miserably. Olivia was bitter, evil, entitled, thought she was smarter and better than everyone else in the world, and talked down to everyone. Everyone looked to her for answers which only blew up her ego. She attempted to control everyone. She manipulated and brainwashed everyone.
I'm happy the series stopped at season 7 because anything more would have been torture.