I said it was going to suck and from the spoil alerts and reviews it sucks and did no justice to the original Mulan. There is NO music, Mushu, Shang, or Shan-Yu!
There also isn't a Mulan. Mulan was an amazing movie, because it showed us as young girls that you don't need to be just physically strong to be tough, but mentally strong and determined to do what is right can make you just as powerful.
This movie gave Mulan powers which took away the essence of what Mulan was about. They said they wanted to do a more real life depiction, but inside we got these people flying like in "The Crouching Tiger" and Mulan is more like Aang the Last Airbender with the Chi power. Then we have a damn shape shifter/Sorceress that turns into an eagle?!?!? So Shan-Yu who was just a normal evil villain wasn't a real depiction and a Sorceress is?? So Mushu a dragon isn't a real depiction, but a Sorceress is?
So Mulan just being true to herself and her beliefs isn't a true depiction, but giving her powers is???
LMK: How in the hell is this a great depiction of the amazing animated movie we loved when growing up? What part of this movie brought you back to your younger self?