I miss true late night comedy. Does today's viewing audience truly want a monologue replete with insults and sick innuendos aimed at politicians he doesn't like? Jimmy Kimmel obviously has no love for the Republican Party, but I thought the Democrat approach was, "When they go low, we go high," and "going high" means searching for solutions that unite us, not divide us. I think Kimmel's approach is, "When they go low, I go even lower." To even joke that Melania Trump immigrated to America to mate with a pig (09/27/2024) was so disgusting that I promptly changed channels. It was bad enough that he had already mocked her accent. The audience thought that was funny? I miss the days when late night guests included interesting, everyday people with special talents or achievements instead of limiting guests to movie stars and their token politicians. I miss the days when the jokes were lighthearted instead of insulting and even sickening. I miss the days when politicians addressed the issues instead of attacking the opponent's personal life, i.e., Jimmy Carter's respectful "A Leader, for a change" campaign.