This is easily one of the best all time greatest movies ever made and it's my favorite movie of all time without a hesitation!
If you love space, sci-fi, thrillers and complex twists that leave you jaw dropped along with amazing visuals deep character building and constantly hanging on the edge of your seat this is the movie for YOU! This is a deep action packed thriller that does all it can to play with the theories surrounding space, relativity of time, black holes/worm holes and higher dimensions. Takes place during a time when earth is dying and becoming more and more difficult to survive and grow crops to feed those still remaining. In which a search for a new planet begins in order to save the human race and stop humanity from going extict and waiting to die out slowly. As NASA finds the protagonist a ex military pilot to embark on this monumental mission and go through a extreme amount of obstacles to get to another part of the universe to find out if the astronauts they sent prior were able to find a planet that could sustain the human race and provide all the necessary things for its survival long term. And from there a amazing tale of heroics, betrayal, deceit and a struggle to overcome distance and time along with emotions to complete the mission at hand and find a new home for the human race begins.
The Acting, Writing, Story Telling And way the director plays with theories regarding spacetime along with gravity/relativity truly leaves his audience at a loss for words! Non stop action once the beginning layer down an told and a roller coaster of emotions for the viewer as you closely relate to the sacrifices the protagonist makes as a parent solely to try and give thier child a chance to have a future and thier own family to raise. Having to sacrifice what time he has with them in order to secure a future for them being a very hard reality to accept.
It's a star studded cast who all give phenomenal performances. And the kind of movie that leaves you contemplating and thinking about it hours after its finished! For anyone who hasn't watched this it's a absolute MUST WATCH 🙌. I alone in the decade since it's release jaw watched it at least 10 times maybe more... Probably will go down as one of the best films ever made and as a instant classic in everyone's eyes. Christopher Nolan could not have done a better job with this film!