So let’s start out with the good which there’s isn’t a lot of. The campaign I didn’t mind decent campaign but everyone buys cod for multiple zombies ranked play etc. multiplayer now being out for how many years is still so bugged it’s unplayable from waiting 3 minutes to get into a tournament just to get kicked from it and have to restart the whole process to cross play being beyond broken. Maps are small and full of spots where players just sit and it makes it impossible to get first shot off on them and the entire game just feels rushed and that’s after multiple large updates and a whole new game being released before this one was even far from ready call of duty as a franchise went from being for the player to making as much money as possible with little to no effort.
Not to mention the cod community just isn’t the same the game when it works properly isn’t even fun from running around going for high kill games it’s two teams sitting in a corner from trash talk and jokes to getting band for the stupidest of reasons. Not to mention up top of everything the game is now pay to win (marshals) and lots of other weapons so heavily overpowered that all basic guns that come with the game are useless against
Lost my business I will never play anything related to call of duty or the franchise