... This film is loosely based on the short story 'The Dead' by James Joyce . Had the opportunity to watch the film . Simply loved it . The plot revolves around a family drama . What begins as a glorious reunion of The Basu Family ultimately reveals deep underlying problems that every individual has been trying to hide in their lives . The myths of pride wither away and skeletons tumble out of the cupboards revealing personal prisons , prisons , Byzantine and Beckettian . There seems to be no escape . However , the film , to my mind, does not end in a negetive note . It does reveal the essential truth of Life . Life itself is a Prison , and we are like Godot , waiting eternally , living in denial . The hint that the film gives at the very end is the Hope , Hope , that the walls of the prison shall indeed break down , shatter like glass , once , denial is replaced by acceptance . Like , Sisyphus , eternally condemned to roll the stone to the top of the Mountain to seek Solace only to meet with abysmal despair at the fact that the stone shall only roll down once again to the very bottom of the Mountain thereby perpetrating perpetual hell , Life too appears to be a living hell for us since we seek Solace in those Places where Despair awaits. Solace lies in the very acceptance that Life is the Prison and the Prisoner, the cruel Absurd . Solace , lies in the acceptance of this cruel Absurd and yet continuing to face it , and accepting it with courage . A la Camus , to live and to create in this desert , that is the task of the Artist . Life is Art . Hence , the Happiness/Solace that Sisyphus seeks lies in the very action of rolling the stone to the top of the Mountain and in not what happens after .In denial , the walls of the Beckettian Prison strengthen , in acceptance , and continuing to live on , the walls wither away unto thin air . Thus , a la Camus , one must ACCEPT THAT SISYPHUS IS INDEED HAPPY .
This film is indeed well made . The direction , the use of colours , the choice of music , and the acting were just awesome. A thought provoking film and a must watch! Hope that you like it as i did .
Ratings 5/5