This movie was personally terrifying to me, and I say that as a former latch-key kid. I don't think the movie on its own is particularly scary at all, but for someone who grew up spending a lot of time isolated as a child and instructed by my parents not to ever open the door or look out the window or answer the phone, the concept hit a deeply rooted childhood terror nerve for me. The cartoons playing in the movie didn't help as they were the same cartoons I watched as a small child (with the volume turned way down so no potential kidnappers, or monsters, could hear). The house even looked similar to mine growing up in the late 80s/early 90s. With that being said, it was scary to me in a very personal way, but I can see how it would otherwise bore other people to death. I later described it as watching the nightmares of a child who fell asleep after feeling scared all night about being alone in a dark, empty house and based on a few reviews I've read, I guess I hit the nail on the head. I think I'll make my parents watch it and tell them, "So, this was my childhood, thanks so much."