This had such a great premise with a great cast, but it lacked any likeable characters, and therefore I found by the end of of the first episode I didn't care what happened to them. But the plot was promising, and we had already invested an hour, so we kept watching. It was a mistake. We became more and more frustrated with the whole show. The fantastic cast were wasted with a badly written script, and the production was amateur at times - we kept spotting camera crew in reflections, for instance. We found we did want to know where it all ended and kept going, and Robert-James Collier saved it for us, because he's a quality actor, but it was a mess of a show. When it ended we were left completely uninspired. With the stellar cast and the mystery, this has the potential to be so good, but it was a complete flop. I wish I could get the 4 hours back.