the movie had so many plot holes in it because if Allison died 15 years ago that means Eli would have been born that same year since he is 15. Who is Eli's mother? Why did Parrish need someone to hold the nogitsune down when is perfectly strong enough on his own? Why did Derek need to die in the same way as the rest of his family? Why didn't Cora, Derek's sister not go to his funeral? They had a sorry excuse for why Stiles wasn't there and they never even mention Kira at all. Also it makes no sense that the nogitsune is a werewolf because he can't be a fox and a wolf at the same time that is literally how they defeated him in the show because that was their divine move in the show> I also do not like the fact that Scott and Allison got back together they were broken up when she died and isn't she still technically still a teenager since she died as a teen and where did they get her body from to come back to life she would at least need a body to return to but they cremated her so it doesn't make sense. And these are just some of the many plot holes and reasons I don't like this movie The one thing I like about this movie is Eli Hale and he is one of my favourite characters mostly cause he's sarcastic and cute he also deserves better