This movie had the potential to be good, and had some pretty good actors. It started off on a pretty good run. Then it went downhill. You can always put some cheesy stuff in movies, but this was a different level because it got to where I couldn’t stop cringing. Some of the humor wasn’t bad, but the plot was very bad. There’s this ghost, who we later found out was murdered, but we never found out how or why he’s a ghost?! There’s this agency that has these weapons that can hurt him but how did they figure out how to build these weapons when we don’t even know why he’s even a ghost?! Then this old guy beats up a marvel superhero actor, a high school athlete who’s obviously in good shape, and a teenager who is still much more fit than an old guy?! And then after the conflict is resolved, the ghost fades away but we have no explanation to why he fades away other than that he’s at peace?! The more I think about this movie the worse it gets. Save yourself 2 hours for your own sake.