This book has been a blessing for me... My father was a member of the 42nd Rainbow Division and I have a copy of 42nd Rainbow Infantry Division: History World War II from Harry J. Collins, Major General, U.S. Army. My father shared very little about the war, but what he did share was reflected very specifically in this book. My dad was the personal aid and driver for Colonel Fredrick B Alexander who became the special service officer for the 42nd Infantry Division. Dad was with the 42nd guarding Dachau, and was among those who went in to dismantle the homes of Hiter, Hemler, and Goring. I have sketchy notes but at the end of the war spent a year mostly in Salzburg, BadGestine, Balsano... He always wanted to return to Germany and Austria, and in 2000, my sons and I took dad back, and the descriptions he had shared of the beautiful landscapes were exactly the same. The hotel in Bad Gestine retained a picture album of the 42nd Rainbow Division was on the entry table. We were astounded and proud.... My dad emotional and speechless.