All in all a cheap movie. Nothing I would pay to go see in the cinema.
You could tell they were running on a low budget. The animatronics were very human like with their movements that made them look like humans in suits. Their words and lines were cheesy and something very stereotypical to a corny 70s horror movie.
The main teenage group was most annoying. Being overly tough and lacking common intelligence. What gob smacked me the most was the fact that the main female character watched all her friends die in horrific ways infront of her and didn't even bat an eye lash. Really didn't make much sense at all and made me cringe.
Nic was an alright actor. But again, also overly corny. These are giant metal animatronics and somehow he's able to take down every single one without even questioning why they're alive and trying to kill him? It.. was very dumb.
Overall, I just hope it'll inspire Scott Cawthorn to make a movie of the Five nights at Freddy's over this-