One of the best comedies in a long line of unintended comedies! Loaded with every typical spy thriller gimmick.... It's, like...well ...If you love those boardroom/dungeon/gotta be in Langley Virginia, dimly lit with 16 dweebs on headsets at colourful monitors typing away, and then stern, hypertensive boss guy yodles, "Now listen up people, I need ......(barking out a series of impossible orders) and in 19 minutes, or else........Omg. This flick also has one of the most patriotic, American actors, Gary Oldman. He's right up there with Christian Bale and the other 300 commonwealth country "american" actors and actresses, including Ryan Reynolds. Hahaha. Wink wink. ...and then that early 2000s trope, to draw in the female audiences in a male styled flick, the baby faced sweeter than sugar blonde cutie pie who looks 18 years old...hahah, a la Bourne....And of course a medical miracle, one that would be huge news with a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine, would involve years and upward of 100 medical specialists.... is done by a few more idiots with accents in essentially the equivalent of a highway gas station rest room....I will stop ...I laughed right through it because of corny and serious it took itself. So much so that in the dailies they must have considered they were creating a masterpiece because this Film is like 100 minutes too long. I never get tired of Gary Oldman's more Merkun, than Merkun Accents . .but on the other hand, a main character who is supposed to be Dutch has some strange generic European accent that goes like a roller coaster. One second he's a bit Dutch and woops now he's Russian, and wait a little German. Hahaha. And that is a main character. And then there's that phenomenon when an actor clearly has lost 7 steps and pretends to be their 1995 self, terrible to see The US Marshall in rocking chair state......