I've watched Dr Who from the beginning, and I'm afraid to say it's just gone off the rails recently; and is now pretty much a train wreck. Whether the Doctor can regenerate his/her way out of the mess of twisted metal and mangled storyline still remains to be seen, but I just don't like it at the moment. And it's NOT because he's now a she; I understand this gender-swapping, subverting expectations stuff is all very trendy; and I guess there's no particular reason why he couldn't regenerate into a female; just perhaps a different female, who could have done a better job, supported by a better writer. I'm sure she's great in other things, but Jody Whittaker is, in my opinion, a terrible Dr Who; my cat makes a more convincing Timelord; “He's like fire and ice and rage; he's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun", but Jodie is none of that. And as for Chris Chibnall, he must be on some kind of secret mission to destroy Dr Who for ITV; nobody can make that many bad creative decisions and it not be deliberate. Either that, or he's having some sort of bizarre mid-life crisis which he wants to play out through Doctor Who. Or is on drugs. Or is confused and thinks he's writing for Scooby Doo, not Doctor Who. Or just has a screw loose and needs a sonic screwdriver to fix him. Either way, the man needs to be stopped!