This is my favorite show,,,I watch every evening,,,almost every show...I have learned so much from watching this show,, from how to match your soil to your plant,,,how to transplant some,,and when to prune my Clematise,,He shows you how and what to use to improve you soil,,,what you will need and about how much of each...I get a lot of ideas from the show and have made a few replica gardens of some of his on the show...I would like to know how to take care of a Canna when you bring it in for the winter...please....Please don't take this show off,,I expanded our cable service so I could watch this show...we watch on AmazonPrime.. I watch until late at night and take notes,,,but I still get up a 4 in t he morning to go to work...I like his excite about gardening and he just gives you the pleasure of wanting to garden, and the know how....Please don't remove my program please...Thanks for showing a fine garden show,,even just for me...