I think this show is the most ignorant I’ve ever watched.I have tried to watch it many times but as soon as they start basing Trump or Whoopi opens her mouth I change channels.They are nothing but hateful sad womenI would not be proud to say any of them was my Mother.Take a look at yourselfs ladies,what you are passing on to your children and Grandchildren,it’s disgusting.Everyone is welcome to his or her own view on life but you ladies take it to far.Its so obvious none of you like Trump but he is mine and your a President!you disgrace everything about the USA when you bash him.Im curious to see if Trump for some reason does not get reelected how much you bash Biden who is nothing but worthless to, but I bet they’ll be not one bad word said about him.You women need to grow up or get off the show.im so surpyit has not been canceled.I would love to be in the audience without you knowing me and just stand up in the middle of the show and tell you all this in person.Why not live the rest of your your pathetic days left on Earth doing good instead of bad!quit the show.