Saw this movie a little over a year ago and thought id write a review now I guess lol. Tbh i liked it. It was diferent and something I havent really seen before. I loved the acting and the overall atmosphere. It was kept mysterious and creepy. The ending however didnt really satisfy me enough. I mean it was good but just felt a little unfinshed and could of used a few extra details to explain in my opinion. It is however meant to be left up to the viewers to think about the ending, which I think can be quite cool but then again maybe I just dont know. Left me wanting a lil more. Overall though, it was a good. I did enjoy it and it did keep me on the edge alot. This might be for you or might not, you just gotta give it a try and see. It definitely wasnt disappointing in anyway. Its just left a little open. If you like it, thats great and if you dont like it thats all great too.