the summary barely intrigued me, but the rating (TV-14) and lack of options make it our pick for family movie night. this whole movie made me annoyed, confused, and overall left wondering why I wasted 2 hours hoping it would get better.
the acting was utter garbage at the start. as the movie progresses into the mystery/horror plot, the acting improves. at least they hired actors who could portray fear.
there are so many plot holes and things left unexplained. The ending pissed me off but, SPOLIER ALERT, fit the title. nothing is explained and everything makes very little sense.
how was the lake scene relevant to the plot? nothing is gained from it, I assume its just filler.
are we supposed to assume the tea was drugged and this was all a group hallucination? I doubt it, because the characters say many times this isn't a game. if it is all real, what was the purpose of the tea? why was there a bubbling, exaggerated, steam/dry ice effect coming from the tea?
who or what was the inventor? was that what was terrorizing Karen in the basement?
Andrew's death is given no explanation, isn't investigated, and happens for no reason I can think of other than to have solely the main characters "escape".
why is there no context to the time loops? or Josie? the inventor? or the waitress who encourages the main characters to do the escape room? It seems this movies wants to be thought-provocking and have the audience solve the mystery, but was poorly planned and executed.
there is so much more wrong with this movie. its rushed, the plot and backstory aren't fully thought out, the characters are all annoying (the only one I could almost stand was Melanie), and the main characters were extremely annoying.
why this movie has any 5 star reviews blows my mind. I highly recommend to not waste 2 hours of your life on this movie. I'm giving it a generous 2 stars because Melanie's time loop was a great scene, the acting got better, I was able to watch it all the way though, and was interested pretty much the whole time.