I find it strange. People pray, speak to and even worship things they have never seen, met or touched... All they know is what they are told, chose to believe and read.. and what they are reading has been re-written over and over again... by man not some superior being.
To see or visit a place that you have never been to before, go in for the first time and feel the energy rush your very being realizing you have an intimate knowledge of that place, the people who have been there, lived or died there is a whole other experience. To be
in that place and out of the corner of your eye you can see, smell and even hear someone watching you but not disturbing you just making sure you're not bothering this place is something else. To go to a place where I'd gone once as a child and it being a devastatingly frightening experience, pulling into that parking lot 45 years later and be so afraid to go in that you can't get out of your car is very real, until a little girl comes out of nowhere and speaks to you, calming you and telling you, if you don't want to be there, they will understand and to go home,and before you can tell her thanks and bye, she is gone...well that's something! I've been fortunate to not have run into any evil spirit. For the most part I believe they are here to protect things, not hurt.
I don't claim to be an empath or a medium, just human, but Amy brings her talents to the viewers so they can have a higher understanding of just how strong our intuitions are and can be. I'll keep watching because she is amazing, and without knowing, has taught me some things, and answering some questions I didn't know who to ask. Thanks Amy, Steve and the man with the camera...