Title: Case No 107 By Pranjal Verma
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Summary: ‘Case No 107’ is a crime thriller where detectives in Divyanagar investigate a series of unexplained murders. As the story moves on the plot thickens as they encounter unexpected twists and uncover hidden truth, by revealing connection between the victims and uncovering a larger conspiracy.
‘Case No 107’ by Pranjal Verma is a short novel which revolves around the murder case of Natasha, Amrita, Pragati and Mitalya. They apparently were friends who graduated from the same college and were working together at AVP Call Center.
Now that is the pinnacle of friendship I must say. I was feeling upset when these girls get murdered one by one, and the murderer leaves no clue. All the crime branch was stunned to hear about this murder.
“11th August, Divyanagar, the bureau of Crime Unit.’’ (pg. No 2)
“Four detectives were on the duty at the moment: Senior Inspector Hina Chaturvedi, Senior Inspector Dev Sharma, Inspector Priya Khandelwal, and Sub Inspector Lakshman Gautam.’’ ( pg. No 2)
It depicts that, the story is set in Divyanagar on 11th August, introduces the major characters of the novel.
Four crime branch detectives names Senior Inspector Dev, Senior Inspector Hina, Inspector Hina and Sub Inspector Lakshman; tried to figure out how they have been killed and it is surprisingly awesome that four victims were killed in four different way which builds in the interest of readers. As the detectives examine the case, they find shreds of evidence and some startling incidents from their past which link the four murders.
During the investigation, the detectives arrest two contract killers who turns the entire case, keeping the readers in shock. The Crime Bureau thinks that they have their perpetrators, everything was going well until they hear a name that never appeared in the picture. This upgrades the interest of the readers. The author has beautifully created a thrilling story with an unpredictable ending which binds the thrill of the story till the end, upgrading the curiosity of the readers to know the real culprit of the murders.
“The dead body was sent to the forensic laboratory along with the bouquet.’’ (pg. No 5)
Glass of water and bouquet are the murder weapons used to kill the victims.
The writing is lucid, and twists and turns placed well, simplicity in language and flow of the story is so well depicted that at no point will the narrative slow down the pace which prompts the readers to enjoy the story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, it is certainly at the top of my list. A thrilling book written by 13 years old girl is praiseworthy.
‘Case no 107’ is Verma’s debut novel and examines the themes of crime and investigation, with a focus on unravelling a complex murder mystery. It explores the intricacies of detective work, the challenge of solving crimes with limited evidence, and the psychological dimensions of both the investigators and the criminals involved, foreshadowing darker aspects of human nature and the moral dilemmas faced by those seeking justice.
Overall, I highly recommend the readers to have an amazing experience reading Case No 107 by Pranjal Verma.