This show is a drama with action elements- and will bring out the feels! Two episodes in and I’m hooked. The show masterfully ties in different elements from the prequels, animated shows, and original series. The shots are well down, and the acting is awesome. Spoilers Ahead:
I think some people are angry about certain characters, aka Reva, but she does a great job at being a chaotic villain. I do think she has a vendetta, and if you see the first minute of the series, something tells me that actually could be tied to her being a Jedi that saw Anakin kill younglings and was hurt by the actions of Obi Wan… a theory… I think the main frustration again her character has to do with her “killing” the grand inquisitor. Though I was initially annoyed as well, especially without seeing a proper fight, something tells me that he didn’t actually die. Might be given a cyborg stomach at this point lol does anyone die In Star Wars anymore? 😉
Apart from that, the little girl who plays little Princess Leia is amazing! And it was great to see the Organa family (go Jimmy Smits and Simone Kessel)! And lemme just say, Alderaan looked amazing. RIP.
Now I do see some parts that I would have advised differently, such as camera motion which is a bit unsteady at times, some lines are kinda predictable, and the kidnapper chase was laughable. Then again, this is Disney and I’m sure they intentionally were trying to make a child kidnapping not hit that heavy due to the nature of an actual kidnapping. No need to scar children or the little actress… I get it, but I’m sure we could have edited it differently.
Now for more theories, I have many, I’ll leave that for my Tiktok. Highly recommend. Look forward to the next episodes ☺️