WW1984 absolutely loved it loved the movie from the opening scene itself and this movie has both emotion's & also a very strong message of life like there is no shortcut to success & too much greed can cost you & the world big time and I liked Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord he simply nailed it and Kristen Wigg as Cheetah was too good the fight sequences in the chase scene & Washington DC are too good the climax fight scene of WW& Cheetah could have been a bit better but it's still ok my ratings for this movie 9.5/10 and the post credit scene by Linda Carter as Asteria was gold in other words Inwanna say go & watch the movie it's very good movie perfect Christmas holiday movie and if Zack Snyder is the picasso of bringing Frank Miller storyline to big screen similarly Patty Jenkins is in bringing Silver Age era & Golden Age era storylines of Wonder Woman to big screen & Gal Gadot was born to play WW and Chris Pine also was too good as Steve Trevor