Just another copy and paste failure. Yes, them have updated the graphics, added a few more formations. I personally think it’s still the same garage as it has been for the last decade plus. Madden 12 was the last great madden. Since it’s exclusive the EA they have no competition so they can make it as horrible as they want. Franchise is still bad. Now you can relocate right away instead of after week 4. Yes a few more place to move but the uniforms are all still the same. Older madden as back in the day could have you customize it how your wanted it. The training drills I was excited for turned out to be worse than on the older ones where they actually worked. You used to be able to risk your points to try again with another defender. But you can’t do that anymore and it just abruptly ends. Overall I feel like there’s not much improvement. I feel like it still plays the game as the previous years. You can still spam the same op four verticals plays on any coverage for big plays On any Coverage. While they did make improvements on man coverage zone is still terrible. MUT is still pay to win. Solo battles got worse. They not give the same reward for no matter what rank you finish. It is good for season pass xp, but thats about all. There’sa certain falcons team on solo battles that you cannot play. Cause you to take an L because you can’t play it. Throwing deep is hard as no matter what throw type you use frequently overthrown or under thrown even with a qb that has good accuracy. When you try to throw a lob pass you’re supposed to tap it real quick but it’s more of a 50/50 no matter how fast you press it, it sometimes comes up as a touch pass. And That’s another issue touch passes are supposed to just have enough air under the ball for the defender to not get to, but will frequently get INT’s with those touch passes. Defenders seem to jump 50 feet in the air and grab the ball for an INT. Madden prides itself in being a simulation games nothing in the game acts as a simulation even when you simulate. Madden has gotten way worse over the years passing off bugs as a new features, they’ve been nothing but take away features of the years and keep making this game even worse. The only people that enjoy this game are the ones that use a glitch play every play! Matching like always is horrible. Getting put up against others not even in your league. Everyone that worked on this needs to be replaced. And EA needs to give up their license and let others make a game with the nfl that’s not complete and total utter trash.