I didn’t like this at all. I can’t stand fake story telling. Could you imagine if I was to tell you a story about Goldie locks and the 3 bears…but I conveniently leave out major details?? This sarma chick gives me the whole “oh I was just an innocent blonde minding my business and then I was taken advantage of, not my fault” vibe. This type of non accountability tactic…must stop immediately!! I don’t feel sorry for her one bit! Her employees cared and I feel super bad for them to have experienced this! Being broke is one thing, but being broke in NY?! I pray they all got what they truly deserved in the end. But I’m done done with grown women saying they were manipulated for years and could not do a thing about it. No one believes you and for you to pride yourself on your extensive education and how much you read, she couldn’t THINK of anything more responsible to do? Don’t judge books by cover folks, and college degrees do not equal intelligence.