As someone who is a big fan of space and into astrophotography, this show was just okay. I learned a couple things about astronauts and space in general, which was a huge plus. The show visually looks fantastic and did build my respect for space and astronauts even more. Scenes in the NASA control room and space ship were exciting.
But this show had three major issues for me.
The first was the daughter's story line. It seemed extremely typical and mundane, as were her lines. The daughter has a majorly selfish meltdown for her age, as if she wasn't aware her mom was an astronaut, and she becomes reckless. The daughter finds young love with cliche issues and the relationship is approved by dad finally. Yawn. I don't get it. Don't writers and producers understand how overdone that is?
My second issue was the fact that Hilary Swank's character literally cries in every episode lol. As a HUGE Swank fan, it was disappointing to see her so weak in this role. She has been training for this moment for years only to be crying or look like she's going to cry in almost every scene. It was a little ridiculous to make her THAT emotional the ENTIRE show.
Finally, the one-sided thing between Ram and Emma was really annoying. What kind of professional astronaut would act they way he did, especially the day of landing? What kind of team member makes moves on someone he just witnessed telling her kid and husband that everything she's doing, she's doing for them and that she loves them beyond anything? I can't imagine anyone in space being that daft or selfish of a person all while facing extremely grave danger. It just felt really forced and out of place.
It's a no-brainer that a bunch of lame dudes wrote this and just couldn't help but add some weird sexual tension and make the woman commander overly emotional. This show could have been way better but instead they decided to make Emma an emotional basket-case, add weird and unnecessary love drama for cheap entertainment value, and give the daughter a plot line only a pre-teen would find engaging.