I was spell bound the entire series and commend the writers and cast for a riveting, twisting, fresh and engrossing plot. The main character, Elizabeth Harmon, is a multi layered phenom whose life is a winding, treacherously steep mountain trek from the beginning. Harrowing, thrilling, hopeful, distressing and triumphant are a few adjectives describing the evolution of the life of a young girl battered against the harsh winds of abject neglect and cruelty. Her resilience shines, and her persistence illuminates the countless, seemingly insurmountable, obstacles in her path. Several human guardian angels along the way help usher her to a much anticipated and intense culmination of years of conquering discrimination, rejection and trial and error. Supporting cast members’ roles are incredibly crucial to the outcome; every character had an intertwining story and were vital building blocks in crescendoing to an almost miraculous climax. Perhaps a too dream-like an ending, but the journey is well worth it.