At the very beginning I admittedly looked down at Steven. But as the trials went on, the poor guy got hosed so many times.
In this country, the accused are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. Apparently this was just a feel-good, PR slogan as the prosecution for all the trials hadn't convinced me that Steven was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense teams in both Steven's and Brendan's trials got the prosecution's witnesses to stumble, backtrack, and flat out say.....mmmmm don't remember. The defense had evidence that disproved the prosecution's charge that Steven was involved and yet all the prosecution had was just the victim was a sweet person. No DNA evidence. No eyewitness testimony. Only statements that said Steven is a shady looking guy and Brendan was withholding the truth.
It was so odd and infuriating at the same time, to hear the judge declare that Brendan was not suffering from any diagnosis but couldn't see that Brendan was clearly unable to process day-to-day happenings like most people.
The investigators clearly coerced Brendan into saying things that fit their theories and narratives with their 'really? Cmon you know what happened' responses.
I feel sorry for the family of the deceased but the brother that was speaking to the media, seemed to only want to put away somebody rather than the right person. It really upset me when he said Brendan was just acting and was just doing it to protect his family.