I really love the game and I'm super invested but I'm playing on the switch and its been very buggy and crashes at points. It was still playable until I reached the Syn part and trying to do the shooting range. Every time I fire a bullet it immediately crashes the game. I've done everything on my end to try and see about fixing it but its been useless.
Other points that had a crashing or buggy issue was when needing to mix the liquor the glass would get stuck if you went too far to one side and you'd have to close and restart the whole thing.
The other issue I've had with crashes is at the manor when doing the piano part. The music entirely cuts out and if you press the menu button afterwards your game crashes and resets. I only got by that by avoiding opening my menu until the game saved somewhere else and then letting it crash and reopen. This won't work with the shooting range because I can't get past the first shot.
I really love this game and I'm invested but I seriously cannot keep playing and hope this is fixed soon. I still give four stars because it's otherwise amazing.