Not a fan of this game.
Let’s start with what I do like. I love Star Wars. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a while. I like that you are not playing as a force user. The graphics are good.
What I don’t like.
Characters: I don’t care about a single character in this game. I am not emotionally invested in the main character at all
Game play: it’s just not there. It’s is not good game play. I am not a fan of these particular style stealth games. If you like splinter cell this may be your type of game. It’s not mine. Driving the speeder bike is frustrating and just poorly done.
Lock picking is one of the worst lock picking I’ve found in a game. Frustrating and annoying.
Price: it is not worth the price of the game ($69.99) it is definitely not worth the price of the gold ($109.99) or ultimate edition ($129.99). I think this game at $30 might be worth it.