Wow. Horrible. There were scenes I was left watching with a twisted expression and a gaping mouth at how stood and comical this was.
Great concept, horrible execution. Clashing points in the movie. Predictable. Horribly written.
1) how is it that an hour is 2 years, and the adults didnt age the entire day until nightfall?
2) by nightfall the children would've been in their 20s/30s, and you kept the same actors from their teen years.
3) you can't CGI some gray hair?? Or use spray hair paint? Tiktok filters do a better job aging people than this movie did.
4) Hair isn't dead cells, and would be affected the same as any living cells.
5) bodies decompose quickly, but literally don't change at all until they're dust & bones, lol. They would immediately start decomposing with little, if any, time looking like a normal dead body. Also bodies would be dead cells, but your movie changes them. But said dead cells don't affect hair...which isn't dead. Lmao.
6) what was the pregnancy/baby scene? Totally usless and irrelevant. With that logic the other children would've died of starvation since they ate a total of 2 times to age 50 years.
7) the ending. We can obviously see they survived the coral swim, but you chose to go back and show that they were successful at that one thing, that we knew, instead of showing how they magically got off the island. Which multiple cast members tried to do and died. Literal gaping plot hole. Guessing there wasn't an answer to it? Why show anything at all then?
8) jarin is the one who said you would need to leave slowly. Why would he have been the one to try to swim out, faint, and die trying to escape? Makes no sense.
9) so a rusty knife totally poisons the guys body and spreads everywhere, kills him, etc. But its fine for like 4 people to stick their bare hands into a womans abdomen to hold an incision open, no infection, doesnt even hurt her, shes totally fine 5 seconds later??
10) i like how the answer for the rocks was just "wow, nature crazy". Stuuupid.