The exact second I finished this absolute abomination of a game Deadpool should have magically appeared in my room for how I solely sacrificed one month of stalling in my life, five hours of my time, an ungodly amount of sweat, tears, inappropriate words, yells and cries. I hate this game with every fiber of my being. I have been playing video games my entire life, hell, I cannot even remember when I *didn't* play video games and I have never been this frustrated. This game promised me "content of my favorite Marvel character" and left me scarred for life. The checkpoints are absolutely terrible - imagine fighting the hardest boss in the game for twenty minutes and over a hundred failed attempts, then you accidentally die to some random easy enemy because you got too careless and it all repeats again... yeah, this game offers that. The first scene of the game gives you false hope, then rips it straight out of your guts - you think you're going to enjoy some diddle-daddling with Deadpool when you hear his funny lines and cool interactions? Nope, you're going to be fighting for your life, both in real life and in game for the next five hours. Maybe, just maybe, every hour you're going to get five seconds of cutscenes before getting pummeled back to hell. If the creators of this obelisk of mental health destruction aimed to make their game this insufferable, then they did a pretty damn good job at it. I thought video games were supposed to be fun, before I played this game. Every time someone mentioned it around me, I instantly felt anxiety crawling onto my skin, knowing I had to play and finish it, no matter how much I stall it, but also preferring to get skinned alive then spend a minute playing this game. I wish I hadn't been stubborn and just watched a playthrough of someone who actually had fun playing it, finished in two hours and just went back to my life. This game crushed my hopes and dreams, changed the trajectory of my life completely, threw me into a spiral of despair, anguish and fury. I will never be the same again, the mental scars I got from having to fear from my life every single second while playing will linger forever. Since I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, please, please, please, if you somehow decide to play this terrible excuse of a game, at least set it on the easiest mode, pray you don't get too angry and spare all the possible damage to your house and your health. There are only two good things about this atrocity - the fact that it's over and Deadpool. And Deadpool is pretty hot here, so five stars.