Just Right! Warm Fuzzies and Fun. Author Kathy Manos Penn invites us into her stories in such a believable way. Leta - the main character- is so relatable. She lets the dog outside, she feeds her cat, she washes dishes, and she sticks her nose into other people's business. But that's only because it really IS her business too, as she tries to clear the name of an innocent friend or two. Her furry friends are more than just pets, as they can hear and see things that a human might miss - and they complete these cozy mysteries with a warm fuzzy feeling. Leta watches her weight, but may enjoy one more treat than she planned because she's neighborly. The wine and tea are always flowing alongside the winding stream of curiosity as Leta and her Cotswold friends leave no scone unturned. Each book has a solid ending and doesn't give away too much too soon. Looking forward to book #4 with Leta, her dog Dickens, her cat Christie, human friends Wendy, Peter, Belle, the carrot-loving neighborhood donkeys and more.