Knew nothing about the movie, gave it a try.
Was a bit confused in the beginning, since the movie immediately throws you into a situation you know nothing about, but it served its purpose and felt eerie right from the start. I usually either finish a movie or turn it off after 15 mins and this one was gripping enough.
The rest of the film was pretty interesting with some lighter, even comical scenes. Some characters' choices made no sense and were there to presumably make the movie a bit longer, the romance was forced as usual, but if you look past that it's a slightly better than average horror movie. Gave off Final Destination vibes (in terms of plot).
So you find out how to fight the main "villain", it actually works, your younger sister WILL inevitably die in a few minutes and you don't stay in the salt circle and instead go to the hospital to treat a few bruises? And instead of you both surviving you just decide you offing yourself is the better option? Jesus woman, you are something else. Also are the people being confonted by the devil THAT illogical or do they not realise it's obviously not real, especially when the devil shows himself as people who're already dead?