So far in marvel universe all the villains were superficial and were portrayed in an overrated manner. Like, throughout the movies you always felt that the hero will eventually emerge victorious. Thanos paid the price for that dearly with valuable screen time to prove his character dna to be very very different from others.
The marvel glamour factor got a touch of grace in this movie but lost its opportunity to rival the star wars universe in extraterrestrial sets' beauty department. Considering all worlds seeing so much destruction, eye candies could still have popped out just a little more, like in the soul stone planet. It was beautifully designed.
Thanos has started bringing the darkness marvel was lacking so far compared to dc. Now it has the scope to magnify the scale, mature the intensity and develop the next movie to a real piece of work. This movie was a good movie and a perfect prologue, is what I would like to say.
Last but not least, the script was agile to my liking. Its just that, the cinematography of such a film could have been better. Wakanda and titan design felt unfinished, or rather, lacked detail and impact. The forge design composition felt a little rushed too. May be they took too long to finalise concept of the forge. Knowhere had a narrow exposure too.
Oh well, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I think others will like it too. About time DC pushes the refresh button in many of their departments. All they need are better directors I guess.