Coming up...! In season 4, a 45 minute show showing 35 minutes of season 3 with 10 minutes of original content of which the narrator gives wild speculation on a piece of wood that may be 500 years old! Guess what, wood is old, it takes years to grow, the way to test it is dendochronology, this would tell you when the tree stopped growing, thus identifying when it ‘may’ have been used to construct something. Let’s not forget the ads. Not the commercial breaks, I mean ROC, Erwin, and all the other contractors on site who have their names on everything but never tend to be of benefit to the archeological effort. Guys, if your putting an ROV into water, check it’s watertight first. I hope their invoice reflects the waste of effort and down time!
Then there’s the English metal detector chap, Mr Dazzler, or Bobby to his friends, really, he jumps around the island lick a tick on a hound. Where is that accent from!? Stay in one place and detect it!! Or get more detectors involved.
I love the show, and the people, it has potential, I hate the narration, the rehash of content, the weird timelines, lack of context, the lack of actual science, etc. it could be so much better.
Rick, Marty, get to grips with the producers, tell us something once, don’t repeat it on every show, use the graphics occasionally, not every show and for Christ’s sake, get some real science involved, who knows, you may find and prove something!
Example, River Hunters, season 1, episode 1, they found a 3000 year old bronze axe, arrow head, Roman coins, etc, they used a team of detectorists and found stuff then did actual research... simples!